Rathgar Hockey Club

Founded 1961


Junior Hockey: ClubZap, Membership and more

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Hi Everyone,
It was great to see the army of mini hockey players on Friday night! As a club, we have merged the Ladies and Men's sections and this is the same for the Junior Boys and Girls sections. We are looking to grow as a club together and are very excited for our future!
We have 6 fabulous coaches (and awesome parent volunteers) for the girl's section and 6 coaches for the boy's section. Your children are well catered for. We also put in for a grant for the Junior section which we luckily got. The committee will be looking at how to further support and increase our numbers for the Junior section. If there is anything you think of that you would like to see for the Junior section please email me with your ideas.

1. ClubZap

  • All parents must join ClubZap as this is the means of communication
  • Download the app, search for Rathgar Hockey Club
  • Select 'chat' at the bottom
  • Hit the 'chat bubble' and you will see a list of teams. (If you are part of other teams on ClubZap this will come up at this step, just select Rathgar Hockey Club again)
  • Join the relevant age group for your child
  • When you join select your status of 'parent'
  • put in the name of your child (only put in the name of your child attending that group - when you do it for another group and in the next child etc)

2. MembershipMembership and Registration are one in the same nowThis can be paid through the app- go to 'my club'- if you are a fully paid-up returning member you have a 40% discount this year- if you are a new member please select this one- fill in all details- Membership of RHC and Registration are now one and the same thing

3. Irish Hockey NumberNormally we as a club register your child with hockey Ireland. However, Hockey Ireland now want people to do it themselves. Your child MUST be registered with Hockey Ireland it is €10 please see the link here to register them

4. Training Times
Monday - go to the back gateGIRLS6th class, 1st yr, 2nd, 3rd yr6:35-7:35pm
Friday - go to the front of the schoolGIRLS1st class - 3rd class6:35 - 7:35pm
4th class & 5th class7:35 - 8:35pm
ALL BOYS6:35-7:35pm

That's all for now, I hope you're all tucking into a yummy Sunday dinner pretending, like me, that there is another weekend day tomorrow!
If you have any questions at all, or ClubZap isn't working for you just drop me an email.

All the best,

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